If your girlfriend desires attention from your parents it most likely has to do with acceptance. She wants to feel like part of the family and that is why it matters so much to her that your parents acknowledge her. Many people find themselves wondering ” Why does my Girlfriend Want Attention From My Parents”. Here are a few answers to this vital question that could determine the future of your relationship.
Acceptance is closely linked to approval. So in a way, receiving attention from your parents shows that they approve of your relationship and that they accept her into your family.
Table of Contents
Simple Reasons Why Your Girlfriend Wants Attention From Your Parents.
- To feel appreciated.
- To establish an emotional connection.
- Social Pressure.
- As a Distraction.
- Abandonment issues.
- To gain approval.
- To build a better relationship with them.
- Emotional Insecurity.
- To feel part of the family
To feel appreciated.
Maybe your girlfriend doesn’t feel too appreciated and she believes somehow that getting more attention from your parents will make it all different.
If she feels for some reason her contributions to you and your family and not being recognized then maybe this Is her way of changing that.
To establish an emotional connection.
Sometimes it can be as easy as wanting to build a better emotional connection and get closer to your parents and the people that matter in your life. This helps you all know and understand each other much better.
Social Pressure.
It is possible that the reason why your girlfriend wants attention from your parents is because of external social pressures.
In some communities, parents have a close relationship with their children’s partners.
The idea behind this is so they can help them understand their child and therefore play a supporting role in your relationship.
Some places take it a step further and invite the daughter-in-law to live with the family before they get married just so she can get used to how the family operates.
It gives her a chance to understand her partner better by building a close relationship with his parents.
So depending on your girlfriend’s background, this could explain why she wants attention from your parents.
As a Distraction.
There is also a chance that the reason why your girlfriend wants attention from your parents is that she’s using it as a form of distraction for what could be going out in her own life.
For example, if her parents do not approve of your relationship and for some reason this has caused some distance between them, then maybe she is overcompensating and believes getting attention from yours will make her feel better.
What is important to remember is that you have to pay attention to your girlfriend and the progress of your relationship. By maintaining a strong emotional attachment, it allows you to understand your partner better, and therefore find ways in which you can support her better.
Establishing the reason eliminates any guesswork of what she could be going through and therefore drives her actions.
Abandonment issues.
Abandonment issues might also have a part to play in the reason why your girlfriend wants attention from your parents.
If her parents were absent or maybe neglected her in one way or another. She might see this as a second opportunity to get the love and attention she missed out on.
That might explain why attention from your parents means so much to her.

To gain approval.
Sometimes the need for attention is to gain approval from your parents. Approval still plays a vital role in every relationship. Everyone wants to feel accepted within their partner’s family or friends.
So if your parents give her attention, it reassures her that they approve of your relationship and that they accept her as part of the family.
Approval is important in every relationship. This is because it forms the back born of a supportive structure that allows your relationship to grow.
So if your parents acknowledge her, it indicates that they are willing to offer advice and other forms of support when needed. This is reassuring especially if she intends to form a close relationship with your parents and indeed the rest of your family.
Approval from your parents can also be used as a gateway to getting accepted by other members of a family. This is because if your parents like her, it would encourage other members of your family to give her a chance, therefore making it easy for her to adapt to everyone.
To build a better relationship with them.
It is also possible that the reason why she wants approval from your parents is so she can build a better relationship with them.
Relationships are primarily about bringing people together and to some people family holds a special place in their hearts. Therefore the need to build and maintain such relationships is important to them.
Maybe this is how they were raised or maybe because they didn’t have it growing up and it’s something they wish to experience.
Either way the need for attention from your parents provides the opportunity to do just that because if they can accept you chances are everyone else will at least eventually.
Emotional Insecurity.
Some people are emotionally insecure and maybe she believes that attention from your parents will somehow make your relationship a lot stronger.
This is not entirely false because having the support of your in-laws definitely provides a good foundation for the relationship and in most cases makes it better.
This is mostly because it eliminates the friction that would have otherwise existed and it prevents you from having to choose between her and your parents.
To feel part of the family.
Maybe the reason why she requires attention from your parents is so she can feel like part of the family.
Attention translates into involvement.
So if there is a chance that she doesn’t feel very involved or even left out altogether with the activities and events that go on with your family then maybe this is a way of changing that.
By gaining recognition from your parents it will give her a chance to be more involved with family events and therefore feel like part of the group.
13 Tips On How To Love An Insecure Woman.
There are many reasons why your girlfriend might be seeking attention from your parents. Some might be more obvious but sometimes these issues are deep-rooted.
This highlights the importance of having good communication in a relationship.
Because without knowing how to express yourself to each other, it will make it difficult for you to understand your girlfriend.
I hope you found this article of some value.
Truly Yours.