The main reason why your girlfriend might require too much attention is that she has an emotional void in her life she’s trying to fill.
For the most part, attention only goes to make someone feel good and important. This is why when someone is seeking too much attention, it’s because something has happened or they feel like something is missing.
so to answer the question of Why Does My Girlfriend Want So Much Attention, we need to dive into her past in order to identify the missing piece.
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Should I give my girlfriend less attention?
No, relationships work best when you figure out each other’s needs and try your best to satisfy them.
So if your girlfriend requires more attention then try to understand why she feels this way. Sometimes knowing the reason will encourage your effort.
This however doesn’t mean you should encourage or accommodate her behavior if it’s unhealthy for either one of you in the relationship.
For example, some people use attention as a distraction from everything else happening around them and this creates extra pressure on their partner.
This is not a healthy way of Seeking attention and it puts a real strain on the relationship.
If your girlfriend requires more than you can give then you need to have an honest conversation and try to meet in the middle otherwise tough challenges lie ahead.
Simple Reasons Why Your Girlfriend Might Want So Much Attention.
- To feel appreciated.
- To establish an emotional connection.
- Social Pressure.
- As a Distraction.
- Abandonment issues.
- Lack of friends.
- It’s their version of love.
- Emotional Insecurity.
- Previous Experience.
To feel appreciated.
Attention is a tool that can be used to express a lot of emotions and feelings. Sometimes the reason why she might seek some more attention is that she wants to feel appreciated and loved.
If for some reason your partner feels out of place emotionally, ignored, or maybe just lacks quality time with you, then she might seek more attention than usual.
Being appreciated is something everyone requires from their relationship.
This is why when it’s lacking, there is a slight disconnect between you and your partner, and this may explain why she is seeking a little more attention.
To establish an emotional connection.
Every one of us is different which means we all respond differently to our partners and build relationships differently.
For some people in order to build an emotional connection with their partners, they need to feel loved, appreciated and celebrated.
They require obvious signs of attention for example regular phone calls, gifts, a lot more quality time, and affection.
Receiving this allows them to feel important and in one way or another validates their relationship allowing them to establish an emotional connection with someone they feel cares about them.
Social Pressure.
Social pressure is also another reason why your girlfriend might be seeking too much attention.
This is a slight misconception but in some societies, people believe if your partner doesn’t show you any extra attention then there is a slight chance you are not as important to them.
So in an effort to feel important in their relationships, people begin to seek more attention from their partners In an effort to seem as important as others or simply to fit the social expectation.
This can be a good or bad thing depending on how it is handled. On one hand, spending more time together as a couple might actually bring you closer together.
On the other hand, trying to be like everyone else adds unwanted pressure on your relationship. This sudden expectation might actually affect your otherwise happy relationship and pull you apart.
As a Distraction.
Some people use attention as destruction from everything else that’s happening in their life. For example, if one relationship is breaking down in her life, say, parents or friends, your girlfriend might require more attention from you as a way of filling the void or simply as a way to avoid facing what is happening.
It’s a form of coping mechanism that makes her feel better by overcompensating from the love she receives from you.
This form of attention-seeking would be quite obvious because it appears suddenly.
The best thing you can do as a partner is give her the support she needs to get through whatever is happening in her life and sometimes this might mean showering her with attention.
Abandonment issues.
If someone has a history of abandonment issues either from parents or ex-partners there is a chance they naturally require more attention.
This is a natural reaction to what she went through previously and receiving too much attention provides reassurance of her importance in someone else’s life.
These kinds of issues are difficult to deal with and for the most part, require professional help.
From a relationship point of view, if your partner has previous issues with abandonment, it means she requires more effort, proof, and attention to convince her that she is important and history is not about to repeat itself.
As a partner, understanding this will help you adjust your approach and find the best way to help your girlfriend get the support and help her needs.
Lack of friends and family.
A lack of friends or family can also cause someone to seek more attention from her relationship. This can happen if, for example, you have previously moved to a new area. If she feels disconnected from her friends or family for one reason or another it makes her turn you.
What this does is create an empty space in her life and seeking more attention from you is an attempt to fill the emotional void of missing her friends or family for that matter.
It’s their version of love.
We all express love in different ways and to some people giving and receiving attention is the only form of love they know and this is their default setting.
This form of love is typical for Only Children. They grow up receiving too much attention from their parents and this is how they approach love and relationships even as adults.
What this means is that if your girlfriend is not receiving extra attention from you then naturally she thinks there’s something wrong.
As a partner, it can be difficult to understand but the best thing to do for your relationship is to find a healthy compromise and try your best to be yourself.
Understanding each other’s expectations will help you both adjust to the relationship and find ways to work better.
Emotional Insecurity.
Emotional insecurity can be caused by so many reasons, for example, fear of abandonment, infidelity, lies, abusive relationships, and the list goes on.
Receiving attention from someone you love is one way of healing and overcoming such bad experiences and depending on how bad it was, determines the amount of attention she requires.

Previous Experience.
This might be difficult to understand in the beginning but sometimes the reason why your girlfriend requires too much attention is that she is used to being treated this way.
This could be from a new experience or from years of conditioning.
For example, if her ex-partner or even father or older brother gave her too much attention, then she is simply used to this form of treatment and it’s what she has come to expect from you as well.
To put it more simply, some people are spoiled and this is not something that is easy to get rid of. She wants what she wants because she’s always got what she wants and this is her reality.
As a partner, the best thing you can do is to have an open and honest conversation about compromise. Finding out how to meet in the middle is a far better solution than exhausting yourself trying to be something you are not.
Why Does My Girlfriend Want Attention From My Parents?
11 Best Ways On How To Love Everyone Unconditionally.
Relationships can be difficult and sometimes you have to give more than you receive in order to keep the relationship going.
The best approach to any relationship is trying to understand each other’s needs. That way you have an idea of how to satisfy your partner and how to provide them with the right level of support.
So if your girlfriend requires a lot of attention whether it’s always or just suddenly, try to understand the reason why. This is the kind of effort it takes to build a healthy relationship
Understanding why she requires this amount of attention will help you understand her better and it will bring you closer together as a couple.
I hope you enjoyed reading this article.
Truly Yours.