The best way to love a difficult man is to accept him for who he is. Once you stop living in denial about his behavior, it becomes easy to find ways to work around them.
Loving a difficult man is not easy at all, it can be very frustrating and can leave you lonely and unhappy in your relationship.
Difficulty can come in so many ways. For example, he could be emotionally unavailable, make no effort to communicate with you, or form any real connection.
It can also be more severe for example, he can be abusive, very jealous, and controlling which takes away the level of freedom you have as a person both in your life and in your relationship. Here are a few tips on how to love a difficult man that will help you both understand each other and build a stronger relationship.
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How do you love someone who is hard to love?
The best thing you can do for them is to accept them and learn to show your support. Loving someone doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be heavily involved in their life. Sometimes your personalities are so far apart that if you are heavily engaged in each other’s lives, One of you is bound to be unhappy.
In this case, it is perfectly acceptable to love each other from a distance and just be there for each other. Sometimes the best form of love is acceptance and that can be enough for a person.
Am I a hard person to love?
The best way to figure out whether or not you are a difficult person to love is to do some self-reflection, analyze your interaction with others, and also ask the opinion of those close to you.
Tips On How To Love A Difficult Man.
- Give him space.
- Do not pressure him.
- Be honest about your feelings.
- Don’t keep secrets.
- Don’t enable his behavior.
- Consider if the relationship is right for you.
- Value personal time.
- Always be yourself.
- Make your intentions clear.
- Learn to compromise.
- Don’t make it a competition.
- Manage your expectations.
Do not pressure him.
When dealing with a difficult man it is important not to pressure him into changing his behavior in the way you want or attempting to change his ways. This will only work to frustrate him and in some ways make the situation worse. It doesn’t mean that you accept the situation and do nothing to improve your relationship.
There are other ways to get through to a person and help him understand what you’re going through. What’s important to understand is that for most people being pressured into a change only makes them more resistant to the change itself.
One of the best ways to approach it is to improve on your communication as a couple.
Knowing how to connect and relate to each other will have far more benefits in terms of implementing change in your relationship. This will make it a happier, healthier place to grow, bringing you closer as a couple.
Be honest about your feelings.
It is important, to be honest about your feelings and know how to express yourself to your partner. Some people have no idea or understanding of how difficult they can be.
This is why it pays to have open and honest discussions in your relationships in order to know how to understand each other as a couple. By knowing how difficult he is, he can start to take steps to be a better partner and implement change in your relationship.
Don’t keep secrets.
It is always a bad idea to keep secrets in your relationship. This creates tension between the couple and it makes working together difficult. It is sometimes possible for someone to implement change on their own but only if they think the situation is deserving.
For example, maybe the reason you think he is difficult has something to do with you and what you bring to the relationship. If you’re being deceptive and keeping secrets from him then it can be understandable why he is difficult as a person.
Being open and honest encourages people to present a different, more understanding side to their partners and those they love.
Bad behavior only encourages bad behavior and may be the reason your man has something to do with you and the way you present yourself in the relationship.
Don’t enable his behavior.
It is also important not to enable their behavior. If someone is difficult in one way or another you need to highlight the problem as a couple, talk about it and try to find a solution together.
By ignoring the problem it enables his behavior and this makes the problem even harder to solve. So it is important to find ways to discuss the issues in your relationship and find solutions together. This will bring you closer as a couple.
Consider if the relationship is right for you.
Some men can be really difficult to a point where their partner feels unloved, lonely, and in some cases depressed. As mentioned, difficulty comes in many stages, and if a person is abusive either emotionally, physically, or psychologically Then maybe the best you can do is love him from a distance.
In such cases, it is important to love yourself and consider whether or not this relationship is right for you. Depending on who the man is, keeping them at a distance might be the best way for you to find happiness.
Keeping him at a distance doesn’t mean you can’t love them. Maybe your form of love in this case is showing your support and their recovery process.
Value personal time.
It is important to value personal time, especially in a relationship. This is because it allows you to express yourself and grow as an individual. When dealing with a difficult man, learning to enjoy your own individuality can add a lot of value to your life and your general happiness.
This time can also be used as a way to educate yourself on how to deal with difficult people. For example, engaging in a communication class can teach you how to relate to your partner and help them understand how you feel.
This can have real benefits to your relationship and help you get closer as a couple.
Always be yourself.
Just like in any other relationship it is important to be yourself when dealing with a difficult man. This is because the more they see you for who you are the more they begin to adapt to the real you.
changing who you are or your personality to fit them and their bad behavior only goes to encourage it and this doesn’t benefit your relationship in the long run.
It is also important to be yourself because it will bring you a lot more happiness as a person.
Make your intentions clear.
Some people need a firm hand in order to encourage change in a positive way. This is why it is important to make your intentions clear in any relationship. You need to understand your own personal situation and make it clear you will not tolerate certain habits.
Some habits are very extreme and can have serious consequences.
For example abusive relationships. By making it very clear that the environment you are in is toxic and that you will not tolerate such behavior, it might encourage them to seek help and begin a journey to change their ways.
It is important to remember that in order to figure out how to love a difficult man you need to be able to love yourself first.
Learn to compromise.
Knowing how to love a difficult man is important and just like in any other relationship Compromise plays a big part. Compromise only works for certain situations for example when his behavior is not extreme.
No one is perfect and hence why compromise exists. But if his behavior affects your well-being then this does quite apply.
For example extreme gambling, abusive, drug abuse. Ultimately it is important to decide for yourself if this is the right environment for you.

Don’t make it a competition.
In order to love a difficult man, you have to know how to understand the person you are dealing with. It is never a good idea to make it a competition.
For example, if your partner does something to annoy you, you don’t respond by doing something to get back at him. This level of competition and disappointing each other as a revenge tactic only goes to destroy your relationship even further.
If this is where you are as a couple then maybe you need to re-evaluate your relationship. Rather than make it a competition of who can hurt the other the most, find a way to communicate and try to understand each other’s feelings.
Finding a way to work together is far more beneficial than getting back at each other.
Manage your expectations.
And just like in every other relationship you have to learn to manage your expectations as a way of loving a difficult man. You have to understand that it is difficult to get everything you expect from a relationship.
As an individual, you need to determine whether or not what your partner is offering is enough for you to build this relationship for a long time.
Managing your expectations is a way of avoiding disappointment and also a way of understanding your partner. knowing the things they can deliver and accept the things they can’t make it easier on both of you.
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Relationships are difficult for a reason depending on the person you are involved with. For the most part, we all have our difficulties.
Loving each other enough and learning how to adapt to each other is what makes the difference. Loving someone means making the effort to help them develop as a person accepting them and offering your support.
I hope this article was of some value.
Yours Truly.